There are NO STRAIGHT Men in GAY Porn

Poor gay porn: thinking there are actual straight men sucking cock and getting fucked on camera is pure fantasy. There are absolutely no straight men in gay porn who interact sexually with another male on camera. Don't fucking argue with me, bitch! If a man sucks another man's cock and takes another man's cock up his ass, he is not straight. I don't care if he did it to pay rent, get high, what ever the fuck, he is not straight. Liking or preferring women doesn't make him straight either, it makes him a female-oriented bisexual (yes, I'm using labels; get the fuck out of my face!) So let me help you, gay porn, you poor little confused thing.

STRAIGHT: A straight man is ONLY attracted to the female sex. He sees nothing remotely sexy about dick, balls, great abs, etc,. He dreams of pussy all day long, and if another guy offered his asshole as a substitute, straight guy might be provoked to violence (stupid fucks some of them are). You might be able to get him to get his dick sucked for, like, a million dollars. On camera? Try a billion dollars. He's certainly not going to do it for a measly $500. You have NEVER seen this man in gay porn. EVER.

GAY:  A gay man is ONLY attracted to the male sex. He sees nothing remotely sexy about pussy, tits, great curves, etc,. He dreams of dick and ass all day long, and if a chick offered her pussy as a substitute, gay guy might be provoked to running away, screaming. You might be able to get him to get his dick sucked by a chick for, like, a million dollars AND a lifetime supply of La Mer Concentrate. On camera? Try a billion dollars and weekly oral from George Clooney. He's certainly not going to do it for a measly $500. You have seen this man in gay porn. MANY TIMES.

TRUE BISEXUAL: This is a man who is equally attracted to both sexes. He can have a meaningful, sexual, emotional and intimate relationship with a man or woman. He is extremely rare, and probably not in gay porn.

MALE-ORIENTED BISEXUAL: This is a man who prefers cock and balls but will play with some pussy if necessary. Usually, when inebriated or extremely horny, he will get with a female. But his heart is with men and the majority of his relationships are with men. A few are in gay porn.

FEMALE-ORIENTED BISEXUAL: This is a man who prefers pussy but will play with some cock and balls if necessary. He will suck cock and get fucked when the mood strikes, but prefers his sexual needs be met by tits and cunt. Quite a few are in gay porn.

MENTALLY ILL SEXUAL: The worst fucking thing ever to happen to gay porn. It's the reason the majority of gay porn sucks these days. The Mentally Ill Sexual are men who have not come to terms with their sexuality but decide---MENTALLY ILL---to enter gay porn and proceed to turn it into boring, void of intimacy, fuck-by-numbers crap. They have issues with dominance, and want desperately to be straight because they see being gay as "weak." I hate this motherfucker with a passion so hot, it could melt diamonds. Sadly, the Mentally Ill Sexual is a gay man who will sell his soul to be a straight man. Suffer, bitch. 

The Mentally Ill Sexual make up the bulk of current gay porn. 

I hope this helps any of you who are struggling with the thought of "straight" men in gay porn. Now you know, there are no straight men in gay porn. And there never was.

Tweet of the Week

Jeremy Bilding has "retired" from doing gay porn. He will only be working in "straight" porn from now on. Laughable, really. Straight porn? Please. Straight porn pays peanuts to the male talent --- half peanuts; the dick props in pussy porn don't even get a full fucking peanut. However, if you can fuck reliably well, you can get more shoots than, say, in gay porn.

Straight porn, for the most part, only cares about the hard cock going in a desensitized pussy. Male talent doesn't have to have a great body, functioning brain cells or a handsome face; in fact, these attributes might get in the way of homophobic Joe 12-Pack, who has to lift his massive beer gut to jerk off his tweezer dick, enjoying himself by having to endure the handsome, in shape hunk smashing the meth-infused twat he just spent $500 on buying shit from her wishlist.

But in gay porn, cock and body are important.  And Jeremy definitely has the former, and somewhat of the latter.

All these things considered, can Jeremy Bilding go from being gay-"for-pay" to "straight"-for-pay? We'll see. He'll be back, I feel, because gay porn is where he belongs, and he knows it, too. So take a break, Jeremy, and then come back renewed and really end your gay porn career the right way. And you know what I'm talking about. Until then, good fucking luck. Some pussy is going to be very happy.